15 Mayıs 2013 Çarşamba

Simple and Effective Messaging and more:Whatsapp

Few months ago , I downloaded this application to my Android OS phone. Actualy it is very user friendly and I realy satisfied with this application.   Whatsapp is very popular real time messaging software for smart phones. We can say that It is simply sort of SMS+MMS+ File Sharing and uses GSM and/or Wi-Fi.     Whatsapp Chat Window  It is very easy to attach some file(s) during chatting. You can specify group...

7 Mayıs 2013 Salı

Are Base Transceiver Station and Mobile Healthy?

This is very common issue for many people and actualy. So we decided to explain this topic in scientific way. RF is non -ionizing radiation category like Microwaves, Infrared etc. On the other hand,  ultraviolet, X-Rays, Gamma Rays are in ionizing radiotion category. GSM Standards are defined by ETSI (European Telecommunication Standardization Institute) in Europe and FCC (Federal Communication Commission) in USA. Since RF is non-ionising...

6 Mayıs 2013 Pazartesi

LTE Voice Codec AAC-ELD

We are using mp3 file format generally in our computers and mobile phones to be able to listen music.  In reality, we are not listening original sound there.  Original sound is sort of raw data and we are just hearing compressed version of original sound.  Raw Voice Raw voice for example 16 bit 44 kHz wave format (.wav) 3 minutes will be approximately 30 megabytes. This is very huge size. If it is compressed into 128Kbps...